Welwyn Aesthetic Clinic
Welwyn Aesthetic Clinic
27 High Street
Telephone: 01438 712211
E-Mail: info@welwynclinic.co.uk

Permanent Hair Reduction

Pain-Free, Hair-Free's Soprano laser treatment gives permanent reduction of unwanted hair, destroying the hair root so that it can never re-grow. It is a quick non-invasive, treatment and results are seen in just a few sessions. Treatments also offer a long term solution for hormone related hair growth or large areas of unwanted hair.

Now available...

Nd Yag Laser (1064nm)
This laser is very safe and effective on darker skin types and is useful for removing thick, dark hairs.

IPL (Intense Pulse Light) 650 nm
IPL devices are not lasers but work in a very similar way. They produce broadband light energy of many different wavelenghts and can be an alternative to lasers for all skin types.
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