The Cottage Surgery
The Cottage Surgery Ltd
39 High Street
Quarry Bank
Brierley Hill
Tel: 01384 412612
Welcome to The Cottage Surgery website. We are the leading West Midlands Laser Clinic. We are situated in Quarry Bank, about a mile from Merry Hill Shopping Centre.
Established in 1992, we have a comprehensive knowledge and unrivalled experience of laser therapies and adjunct treatments.
We provide treatments using the very latest technologies for a variety of cosmetic and medical problems affecting the skin. These include:
Laser Tattoo removal
Laser Hair removal
Nlite laser Acne treatment and acne scar treatment
Laser Wart removal
Laser Scar treatment
Laser and non-laser treatments for thread veins, Rosacea, millia, stretch marks, birthmarks, pigmentation, age spots and sun damage.
High and moderate strength chemical peels
Caci non-surgical facelift
We are at the forefront of developments for skin rejuvenation, anti-wrinkle treatments and anti-ageing therapies.
The Cottage Surgery is renowned for clinical excellence and professional service. Our consultations are detailed and comprehensive. We will give you an honest appraisal of your options and our recommendations.
Hair Removal
Lesley C
I’ve been having laser hair removal for a year now and I’ve just had my last session. Its made such a difference to my life, I feel more confident and feminine. No more waxing or shaving, the hairs that were such a problem are no longer there. I’ve been more than pleased with the treatment and would recommend it for anybody with problem hairs.
The treatment doesn’t take long and its less painful than waxing. The Cottage Surgery made me feel at ease and comfortable about my problem. I can’t thank them enough.
They are like fairies with a magic wand that granted my wish!
Hair Removal
The Cottage Surgery has been providing the very best in laser hair removal since introduction as a major treatment for hirsuitism almost ten years ago. During this period the Centre has kept pace with the significant developments in both technology and technique so that today, using the latest and universally approved Cynosure Alexandrite laser, it offers a treatment that is proven in terms of both safety and effectiveness.
How does laser hair removal work?
Hair is made up of a shaft and a root. The shaft is the hair you see on the skin’s surface. The root is buried within the skin. At the lower end of the root is a swelling called a hair bulb and this is surrounded by a socket called a hair follicle.
To treat the hair a short burst of laser light is pulsed onto the skin. This light is absorbed by pigment in the hair shaft where it rapidly super-heats the hair without damaging delicate pores or other structures of the skin. If the hair is in the growth (anagen) stage (see below), the follicle’s ability to grow hair will also be destroyed. It is estimated that at least 20% of hair will be in the anagen phase and prevented from regrowing by each treatment. Hair in the catagen phase will grow back finer and lighter while telogen hair will regrow as before.
What are hair growth phases?
Each hair has three stages of maturity:
Anagen - early active growing phase.
Catagen - changing involution phase.
Telogen - resting and shedding phase.
This is known as the normal growth cycle. In this way hairs are continually grown, shed and replaced throughout an individual's life and, at any one time, different hairs will be at different stages of this growth cycle. The length of the growth cycle varies between different sites of the body and of course between individuals.
How many treatments are required?
As with any depilation method, it is not possible to be specific but several treatments will be needed. The exact number will vary depending on where the hair is, what has been done to the hair in the past and, of course, the individual response to treatment.
Can all hair colours be treated?
Laser depilation works best on dark hair because it contains more pigment to absorb the laser light. Fair hair and red hair can respond well but white or grey hairs are not usually treated since these hair colours contain no pigment. A test patch before a full treatment will usually indicate how the hair will respond.
Can all skin colours be treated?
Unlike some multi-functional lasers or Intense Pulsed Light equipment the Apogee 6200 used at The Cottage Surgery was specifically developed for hair removal. As such, it now makes possible laser assisted hair removal for a much wider range of skin colours. A test patch before treatment will establish the optimum effect on hair whilst safeguarding against changes in skin pigmentation.
Can all parts of the body be treated?
Yes - the chin, upper lip, cheeks, legs, arms, underarms and back - as well as sensitive areas like the ears, nose, chest and bikini line. One major benefit of the Cynosure Apogee 6200 laser is its operating speed so even large areas like legs and backs can be treated in a relatively short period of time.
Is laser hair removal permanent?
Results vary; for some people the end result is permanent hair removal. However, as with all depilation methods currently available, there are no guarantees. It is probably best to look upon it as a highly effective treatment for the long-term management of unwanted hair.
How does laser hair removal compare with other depilation methods?
Shaving, waxing and depilatory creams are all temporary methods that must be repeated on a regular basis. The laser treatment offers far more lasting results. Electrolysis is a tedious, invasive and painful process often requiring years of treatment while the laser can, in just a few minutes, effectively treat an area that would take over an hour with electrolysis.
Is the treatment painful?
Most patients experience no more than a slight stinging sensation; those with darker skin will feel the laser more as their skin will absorb more energy.
Are there any side effects?
The most common after-effect is redness of the skin that may last one to two days. Slight blistering may occur but this is very rare and usually clears in a few days. With certain skin types a change in skin colour can occur - this will be discussed further at the initial consultation if appropriate. As skin pigmentation may be affected, patients are advised to limit exposure to the sun during treatment and for the following six months.
Is the treatment safe?
Yes. Lasers have been used in medicine for over 30 years and there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that the treatment can lead to skin disorders or an increased risk of skin cancer. Extensive clinical trials for laser depilation have resulted in a safe technique with a very minimal risk of scarring - certainly much less than with electrolysis. Every precaution is taken to ensure the safety of the patient who must wear protective goggles. The lasers are regularly maintained. Our clinical staff are highly trained and regularly update their clinical knowledge and skills.
Should anyone avoid this treatment?
The treatment should be avoided by anyone who is hypersensitive to light or has an outbreak of Herpes Simplex (cold sores). Vitiligo (natural loss of skin pigment). Epidermolysis Bullosea sufferers should also avoid lasers.
Patients with very dark skin are at greater risk of pigment changes and may be advised against treatment at the consultation. It is better to avoid the treatment during pregnancy and to advise the clinic staff if taking oral steroids. A medical history will be taken during the consultation and any questions should be raised at this time.
How to prepare for treatment
The laser targets the pigment in the hair and skin and thus it is important that you do not have a suntan - whether natural or artificial. If you have a tan you should wait at least 4 weeks after your last UV exposure until there is no activity in the pigment producing cells.
If you are plucking, waxing or threading, you should stop 4 weeks prior to treatment and change to shaving or cutting the hair.
The treatment area needs to be clean shaven
You should avoid perfumes, deodorants or any potential irritants in the treatment area before and after treatment.
You should avoid alcohol, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen (Brufen, Nurofen etc) for 48 hours before treatment; this will reduce the risk of a skin reaction.
What to expect after the treatment
Unlike some other systems, the hairs are not evaporated by the treatment. The hair follicles are killed by the heat but the hairs remain in the follicles. They will fall out after 1-3 weeks as the epidermis is renewed. During this period it will seem that the hairs are growing as they are pushed out by the epidermis. The area can be shaved or trimmed during this time if required.
This website and all content is copyright © Cottage Surgery 2007
