New Image Beauty Salon
New Image Beauty Salon
Chancery House, Suite 2
4-6 Horsemarket (opp Binns)
County Durham
Telephone:(01325) 357402
Laser Hair RemovalProgressive hair reduction & the hair growth cycle
Each hair has it’s own individual growth cycle which means that the majority of the hairs that are visible to the eye are all at varying stages of growth. For effective progressive hair reduction it is essential to treat the hair when in the anagen (growing) stage:
Stage One – Anagen (growing)
Anagen hairs are new hairs growing out of the follicle and may just be visible above the skin’s surface. During this stage there is a great deal of activity – applying the treatment during this stage of hair growth will ensure maximum results.
Stage Two – Catagen (changing)
The hairs have now stopped growing & are visible above the skin’s surface – at this stage the hair removal treatment can damage the hair but is unable to totally destroy it.
Stage Three – Telogen (resting)
This stage is known as the resting stage and the hairs are now quite long – at this stage the hair removal treatment is ineffective. The hair will eventually shed and a new hair will take its place (anagen stage) and the whole cycle begins. Your advanced hair removal specialist will be able to advise you on when to have your treatments to achieve the best results.
The Bio-MEDICAL Concepts hair removal treatments work by emitting a controlled heat source to the hair, which is then selectively absorbed by the melanin in the hair, this then creates heat which damages the growth and the follicle. After several treatments the subsequent damage to the hair follicle results in a significant reduction in the hair growth.
Hair removal using traditional methods can be a time-consuming process. But imagine not having to shave, tweeze, wax or go through electrolysis again.
Who will laser hair removal benefit?
Anyone who has unwanted body hair on their face, back, legs, bikini line or underarms. If you find normal hair removal techniques like shaving, waxing, electrolysis time-consuming or unpleasant , then you should consider laser hair removal.
How is laser hair removal done?
Initially, you will be required to have a patch test 2 weeks prior to starting treatment. You will be asked to wear dark glasses to protect your eyes from the bright light. Next a cold gel (similar to ultrasound gel) will be spread over the treatment area. The hand piece is then applied to your skin and pulses of light begin disabling your unwanted hair. When the gel is removed much of the hair is wiped off with it. The remaining hair in the treated area falls out over the next week or two.
How long will it take to perform laser hair removal?
Depending on the area to be treated, laser hair removal will take up to an hour per session.
What results can I expect from laser hair removal?
Our new technology has been proven to create a permanent reduction in the number of re-growing hairs following each treatment in most skin types. The number of hair removal treatments required depends on several factors related to your specific kind of hair and skin. A customised treatment programme will be designed for you along with an estimate of how many treatments you may need in order to meet your expectations. Most patients report noticeable differences immediately.
How long is the recovery period from laser hair removal?
Patients can return immediately to work or their daily routine after hair removal. Are there any after effects from laser hair removal? Following treatment there maybe some redness of the skin which will settle down. The hair removal practitioner will usually apply a cooling agent post treatment. During the process the sun must be avoided in between sessions, which has to be done 4 weeks apart. Fake sun tan must also be avoided prior to the area being treated.
Are there risks associated with laser hair removal?
Transform has performed more cosmetic surgery than any other provider in the UK. As such, we are extremely experienced; there is no provider better placed to help you become more confident through a non-surgical cosmetic procedure. You can talk through any concerns you may have at your free consultation.
Can I combine other treatments with laser hair removal?
Any treatment may be combined with hair removal. Many patients like to combine hair removal with other procedures that will help prepare a bikini-ready body, such as cellulite treatment, thread vein or varicose vein removal. You may also consider surgical procedures such as liposuction or breast surgery to make sure you look great on the beach!
How much does laser hair removal cost?
Hair removal costs from £50 per consultation.
How do I arrange to have hair removal?
The first step towards getting hair removal is to book a consultation with a member of our friendly, expert team at our Darlington salon. At a consultation, you can expect to see a patient care co-ordinator, with whom you will have plenty of opportunities to ask any questions you may have about the procedure. The consultation will take around 45 mins, during which time you will not be given the 'hard sell'. No pressure will be put on you to go through with the procedure, and you will not be forced to make a decision at the consultation. We understand that this is a big decision for you and we want you to be totally satisfied that it's the right thing to do before committing to the procedure booking.
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