Medi-Laser Aesthetics LTD - Walsall Clinic
Walsall Clinic
c/o Sycamore House Medical Centre
111 Birmingham Road
Tel: 01922 721444
Medi-Laser Aesthetics - skin care beyond the NHS
For all skin types
Asian women a particular expertise.
At Medi-Laser Aesthetics we combine the latest laser technologies with experienced hands to provide a comprehensive range of affordable but individually tailored, high quality, medical and laser based aesthetic treatments not routinely offered under the NHS within a professional and confidential setting.
Thus, since 1994 our Walsall clinic has provided over 25,000 skin treatments to thousands of satisfied customers.
We use a holistic approach because our laser clinics are medically owned and run, thereby ensuring that skin care meets health care.
We are safe and ethical being GMC registered and will suggest nothing we won’t be happy to use on ourselves.
Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Why have I got some much unwanted hair?
Excess body hair (hirsutism) has many causes, including genetic factors, hormonal disorders (e.g. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCO), drugs such as certain steroids or hormones, minoxidil, etc. However, generally it is constitutional with no underlying disease process.
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Laser Technology
Since the mid 1990’s lasers have become the ‘gold standard’ method of hair removal, quickly followed by the introduction of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) systems.
However, not all lasers are equally effective for all skin and hair types. Thus, Medi-Laser Aesthetics Ltd have invested in three different laser systems to ensure optimal long term hair removal for all our clients.
Thus, in this situation, one laser certainly does not treat all cases.
The Diode Laser (800nm) is suitable for most skin types but is less effective for lighter, finer hairs. However, it is fast and glides across the skin, thereby providing rapid treatment for large areas. Therefore, it tends to offer a good balance of results versus speed and comfort.
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The Nd:Yag Laser (1064nm) is particularly suited for darker skin types and thicker, dark hairs. However, it causes more discomfort and is quite slow plus it is less effective for fine, light hairs.
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The IPL (515 to 755nm) is not a laser at all but produces light energy of differing wave lengths. It has many uses such as acne and photo-rejuvenation but, for hair removal, it is best for people with fair skin and fine hair.
Frequently asked questions
How do lasers work?
Lasers emit an intense light beam at a specific wave length which safely passes through the upper skin layers to be absorbed and converted into heat at the hair follicle. IPL similarly produces a pulse of high intensity of broadband light to penetrate through the skin and heat the hair follicle. This is known as ‘selective photothermolysis’ as heating the hair follicle destroys it, thereby preventing further regrowth of the hair without damaging the surrounding skin.
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I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Can you help me?
Yes, you would in fact be the ideal patient to benefit from the more superior and longer lasting effects of laser hair removal. We usually recommend a combined approach for PCO cases which should include:
Weight Loss through diet, exercise and medication if necessary via your GP as this not only helps to reduce hirsutism but also the risk of other metabolic complications such as premature onset of diabetes;
Systemic Medication such as:
Certain Contraceptive Pills, e.g Dianette to provide contraceptive cover as well as reducing unwanted hair growth, and/or;
A Diabetes Drug called Metformin which can again have several health benefits, e.g. reduces the progression to diabetes, aids weight loss, helps to normalise menstrual cycle, increases the rate of ovulation and may also improve hirsutism.
Topical Drugs: For PCO cases we often recommend Eflornithine (Vaniqa) cream to be rubbed thinly but thoroughly into the affected area on the face twice daily as it blocks an enzyme (ornithine decarboxylase) in the hair follicles. In fact, it is also suitable for other cases with particularly resistant facial hirsutism as an adjunct to laser therapy because this unique combination appears to produce even better results. It is a prescription-only medication.
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Is laser hair removal permanent?
The treatments we provide will certainly offer long term reduction in the growth of unwanted hair because, in practice, no single laser system will destroy all hair follicles as some will enter a prolonged resting phase. However, the time between treatments should gradually increase and, with a sufficient number of treatments, true permanent hair removal can be achieved.
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How does it feel?
The light beam may cause a tingling or snapping sensation like a rubber band but this is usually minimised by our cooling system during treatment, followed by our Cosmedix moisturiser massage. Thus, no anaesthetic or analgesic medication will be needed. It is widely acknowledged that laser hair removal is more comfortable and far more effective with a faster recovery rate than waxing or electrolysis. These older methods can also sometimes cause infections, folliculitis and scarring. Our laser treatments are generally so effective that patients can return immediately to work and hence there is no lost time.
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How many treatments are needed?
The number of treatments required will vary depending on a variety of factors such as hair density, colour of skin and hair, precise area of the body, etc. However, on average 3-6 treatments will be needed at 4-6 weekly intervals in the first instance. This is because each hair follicle goes through a cycle of active hair growth (anagen phase), telogen or resting phase and finally, a catagen phase when the hair falls out. The length of this growth cycle varies with age and sex but, at any given time, each hair can be at a different phase from its neighbour. However, hair is most sensitive to laser photothermolysis whilst in the growing phase. Our high specification equipment requires skilled practitioners who will optimise the settings for each patient and at each subsequent visit to ensure maximum long term hair destruction.
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Which areas can be treated?
Virtually all areas of the body are suitable but we have found the following difference in interest between men and women:
Women usually seek removal of facial hairs on the upper lip, chin or cheeks, under arms, bikini line, arms and legs, etc.
Men are often more interested in addressing their mono-brow, hairy ear lobes and excess hair on the chest or back.
Transgender patients may require whole body hair removal, including the scrotum and this can all be achieved using our staff and equipment in a confidential and ethical environment.
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Are there any after effects?
Transient redness and tingling discomfort (rather like sun burn) of the treated area may present for the first few days and, very occasionally minor superficial blistering but this will all settle within a matter of days. Furthermore, these symptoms can be minimised by using our recommend Cosmedix gel. Rarely, the skin pigment may appear either lighter or darker, but this again will almost always settle in time.
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Am I suitable for treatment?
Yes, our machines cover all skin types as shown in the previous graph, especially in experienced hands with carefully selected settings. The LightSheer Diode is actually FDA approved for all skin types from Fredericksen’s I-VI, including tanned skin. However, the darker the hair and the fairer the skin, the more easily it is treated because dark hair contains more melanin and will thus heat up more easily. By contrast grey or white hair contains no melanin and thus it cannot be effectively treated.
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Is it safe?
Medi-Laser Aesthetics Ltd is registered with the Health Care Commission. Our equipment represents the latest technology and is regularly serviced and all our staff are fully trained in the proper and safe use of our machines. There is no evidence that laser treatment can lead to skin disorders or an increased risk in skin cancer.
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Are there any alternatives?
Yes, because unwanted facial/body hair has challenged both men and women across the ages. We have tried shaving, plucking with tweezers, threading, waxing, sugaring, depilatory creams and even electrolysis. However, all are temporary, time consuming, painful and can irritate the skin, even causing in-growing hairs with folliculitis barbae being a particular problem amongst Afro-Caribbean men. Lasers represent the latest and most effective method of permanent hair reduction to date.
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What are the costs?
Detailed pricing will be discussed during your free consultation because it will vary depending upon the type of treatment recommended, the surface area involved and the time it will take to treat these areas. However, you can be assured that we will offer very competitive and affordable laser treatments as we only use the latest, fastest and state of the art technology.
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