Laserase Wales
Laserase Wales
Llandough Hospital
Penlan Road
T: 02920 711996
About Us
The development of the Laserase Network in 1992 was the direct result of work carried out initially by Dr Colin Wright and subsequently in a joint partnership with Dr David Russell; two full-time National Health Service General Practitioners with surgeries in the North of England.
Whilst working as a Clinical Assistant in Plastic Surgery in Bradford, Dr Wright observed that there was a tremendous demand for tattoo removal not, in any way, being met by established surgical techniques.
During extensive research into alternative methods of tattoo removal, Dr Wright became aware of the work being undertaken with lasers and, in particular, the superior results being achieved with the Q-Switched Ruby Laser. However access to both the lasers and the necessary expertise were severely limited and patients seeking a safe, effective, scar-free method of tattoo removal were faced with multiple journeys to either Glasgow or London.
Having satisfied himself of the demand and the very limited resources that were available to meet the demand, Dr Wright invested in the purchase of a Q-Switched Ruby Laser and in July 1991 opened the first Laserase centre.
The clinic was extremely successful and provided an obvious opportunity to expand and Dr Wright looked to the North East for a possible site for a second centre. He enlisted the support of Dr David Russell; a former medical student colleague at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne Medical School and a GP in Darlington. In partnership, they set about laying the foundation for a network of tattoo removal centres to operate throughout the UK.
A second Laserase centre opened in September 1992 at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle upon Tyne - the first private medical venture to be established at a National Health Service hospital. As with Bradford, this was undertaken with the support of consultant dermatologists and plastic surgeons throughout the region. Through extensive media coverage and an extremely high demand for tattoo removal in the North East of England, success exceeded all their expectations and so plans, which had already been put into hand to offer this business up to other GP's around the country, assumed greater urgency.
Within one year, fifteen further Laserase centres were established throughout the United Kingdom and, the prospect of being able to provide this much demanded service country wide, became a reality. At the present time of writing, the Laserase Network encompasses seventeen medical laser centres throughout England, Scotland and Wales. Treatments are only performed by doctors and all patients are offered a free comprehensive consultation prior to commencing treatment.
Whilst the Q-Switched Ruby Laser remains the preferred tool by the Laserase Network for tattoo removal, some centres also have the Q-Switched Nd: YAG laser - a combination that cannot be bettered.
In 1996, the Network became aware of the possibility of the Ruby Laser being used as an effective means of hair removal and several of the centres took part in much of the early clinical trial work. Laser assisted hair removal has been available at most Laserase centres since late 1996.
Some Laserase centres have also become involved in other aspects of laser medicine such as laser wrinkle reduction and laser thread vein removal.
The Laserase name is, unfortunately, used by a variety of clinics outside England, Wales and Scotland but it must be stressed that these have nothing whatsoever to do with the Laserase Network which prides itself on an extremely caring approach to what are very sensitive problems.
The members of the Laserase Network keep in contact on a regular basis and meet on, at least, one to two occasions per year at National Laserase Conferences where all aspects of laser medicine are discussed to ensure that each centre remains at the forefront with regards to the latest in laser technology.
Although the majority of patients treated are done so on a private basis, National Health Service treatment is also provided by Laserase who accept referrals from local General Practitioner and Consultant colleagues.Despite the proliferation of laser clinics throughout the country in recent years, Laserase remains a market leader and largest provider of laser tattoo removal and laser hair removal in the United Kingdom. More patients have had their tattoos removed by Laserase than by any other organisation, certainly in the UK, probably in the world !
Laser Hair Removal
Do you suffer the embarrassment of unwanted facial or body hair? - Then we can help with proven laser technology. There is no perfect treatment for all people and laserase can offer two different laser systems, The Ruby Laser and the NdYag Laser. Both systems offer fast and safe hair hair removal treatments and the yag laser is suitable for virtually all skin types.
The Laserase centre is fully licensed and approved by the local health authority, so you can rest assured that you will be safe in expert hands. The procedure itself couldn't be simpler……. Initial consultation is informal and FREE and you are under no obligation. You will be given confidential and professional medical advice with a comprehensively detailed fact sheet, so that you are informed of the exact treatment procedures and the costs involved before you proceed. Most of our new clients have been referred to us by our hundreds of satisfied clients.
© All Rights Reserved Laserase Wales Cardiff 2008
