Laserase South West
Laserase South West
Waterloo Surgery
191 Devonport Road
Tel: 01752 561738
Through continuous research and scientific advances in laser technology we now have a gentler, safer and faster solution to the problem of unwanted hair. Laser hair removal has been clinically proven to give a more permanent alternative to traditional hair removal methods such as waxing, shaving, epilating, plucking and depilatory creams.
Laser Hair Removal
What type of laser is used and how does it work?
We use an Alexandrite laser. This laser which neither burns nor cuts the skin has been used in medical practice for a number of years now. The Alexandrite laser uses a scientific principle called thermo kinetic selectivity (tks™) and makes this method of removing hair particularly effective. Tks makes it possible for laser energy to “select†only hair follicles, whilst sparing surrounding skin from damage. The light energy from the laser is absorbed by pigment in the hair shaft and the melanosomes of the hair bulb. The pulse length (which is the time the laser light is in contact with the skin) is very specifically pre-set in order that there is sufficient heat to prevent regrowth of the hair, but not so long that excess heat is transmitted to the surrounding skin. Treatment is only effective on those hairs in the growing (anagen) phase.
What hair types are suitable for laser treatment?
As a general guide laser hair removal suits anyone with dark, unwanted hair. White, grey and blonde hairs will not respond. Very light brown and ginger hairs may respond poorly. Dark brown and black hairs will respond the best.
Can all skin types be treated?
Because the light beam from the laser is absorbed well by melanin skin pigment, it is possible that dark skinned people may get damage or pigment changes to their skin.
Is laser hair removal safe?
Yes. There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that the treatment can lead to skin disorders or an increased risk of skin cancer. Furthermore, every precaution is taken to ensure the safety of the patient. The Laserase treatment is carried out only by qualified and fully trained clinicians. Patients are required to wear approved protective goggles at all times.
What are the costs likely to be?
This will be discussed at the initial consultation, which Laserase offers entirely free of charge and with no obligation to undergo treatment. Treatment costs will vary between individuals according to the areas treated as well as the density of hair growth. All patients wishing to have laser hair removal following the free consultation will have an initial test area treated for which there will be a small charge. Only if both patient and clinician are happy with the results of treatment to the test area will full treatment begin.
How many treatments are necessary?
This will vary depending on the area treated, the response of the individual and what has been done to the hair in the past. As a guide, on most areas of the body you could expect to need between 5 and 10 treatments. For some people occasional maintenance treatments thereafter may be required.
Is the treatment permanent?
Repeated laser treatments induce a permanent reduction in the amount of visible hair. Although current studies have shown a "permanent" reduction in hair growth, some hair regrowth may occur over time, although this is usually much slower and much finer than before treatment. True "permanent" "total" hair removal may be possible with repeated treatments over time. It should also be emphasised that everyone has the potential to create new hair growth from dormant follicles at various stages in life.
Are there any after effects following treatment?
World-wide clinical trials have found laser hair removal to be remarkably safe. A slight irritation of the skin, including redness and some burning sensation can occur in the first hours following treatment. The skin may feel sensitive and be slightly pink for a day or two. Cooling the area (with ice for example) should help reduce any inflammation. Blistering, peeling or scabbing may occur in a small minority of patients. Rarely is any specific treatment required and it will usually clear in a few days.
Is any preparation required?
It is important not to pluck or wax the area for 4-6 weeks prior to your treatment, you can continue to trim or shave the area. This may be difficult for some, however it is important for good results. It is also important not to have a suntan on the area you are having treated as this can make you vulnerable to unwanted pigment changes in the skin.
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