Laser Hair Removal Forum
Laser Hair Removal Forum
The laser hair removal phenomenon began in the mid-1990s upon FDA approval of the first laser hair removal machine. For most of the 1990s and early part of the new century, there were limited options for people with colored skin to get laser hair removal. Between 2001-2005, however, laser technology improved by leaps and bounds, and it is now also possible for darker skinned humans to get some degree of permanent hair removal upon treatment with Nd:YAG lasers. However, results still vary drastically from person to person depending on numerous known (race, sex, hormone problems, skin color, hair color, hair texture etc...) and unknown factors. It should be noted that even on fair skinned humans with dark hair (i.e., the best candidates), laser hair removal has only been approved by the FDA for "permanent reduction" rather than "permanent removal" due to some of the same similar uncertainties as colored people regarding success.
The aim of this website is to provide a source of information for people of color (skin type 3, 4, 5 or 6 on the Fitzpatrick scale) regarding laser hair removal. Please use the laser hair removal forum where darker skinned or colored people can post their experiences regarding laser hair removal and various clinics, machines, settings and so forth. A large scale collaboration of darker skinned people's experiences with laser hair removal in one place will surely be of great use to a lot of folks -- but only if everyone participates over a long term and hopefully also posts pictures of their hair removal success.
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