4 Putteridge Parade
Putteridge Road
Stopsley, Luton
Phone: 01582 652299
What is the difference between the services we offer at LIBRA as compared to other salons?
Well, we do offer all the basic beauty treatments such as waxing, manicures, massage etc. same as other beauty salons.
However, I would like to think that firstly we offer a price competitive service..... (and our prices INCLUDE VAT)
Next we offer it in pleasing surroundings, comfortable, clean and warm. Most of the rooms have fully adjustable electric couches for extra comfort and we use duvets on cold days for added warmth and luxury in facial treatments.
All treatments are carried out by fully qualified and experienced therapists who...and I think I coined this phrase that everyone else now uses....are "friendly and make you feel relaxed"! See some of our client testimonials where this is confirmed.
LIBRA is by no means perfect but we offer the best service we can.
As far as the names we offer such as SOTHYS skin care, OPI nail treatments, DIAMOND Microdermabrasion, VANI-T and ST.Tropez tanning, IPL LASER technology, ULTRATONE body and face toning are concerned the names we use were selected after plenty of research.
OUR Laser Hair Removal
Hair Removal using Intense Pulsed Light
Long Term Hair Removal
Effective, Safe and Gentle
Libra has joined with Advance Beauty Cosmetics Ltd
to provide the 'Superior Pro' Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) system for the long term removal of hair.
The system was developed following over 10 years of hair removal experience, successfully treating millions of people, at hundreds of top beauty and dermatology clinics around the world. Clinical results and constant feedback received from patients show great treatment success.
What makes our system so special?...........
•The IPL system used by Libra is fitted with a superior technology which makes it the most safe and effective treatment available.
•Our treatment is safe and effective for all skin types, from very light to very dark skin.
•The perfectly customised programme is chosen according to your hair colour, texture and treatment area, making each session the ideal one to suit your individual needs.