Kate Alexander
Kate Alexander
11 Guy Place East
Leamington Spa
CV32 4RG
Email: kate.alexander@btconnect.com
The Kate Alexander clinic has 8 years experience in delivering high-quality, safe, medical laser treatments for a wide range of skin problems.
Laser treatments are carried out utilising the FDA approved Cynosure Apogee Elite Medical Laser from the USA which is recognised as the finest laser of its type.
We are regulated and audited by the Healthcare Commission, Approval Number C030000676.
Laser beauty treatments are administered only by qualified personnel and the salon is fully air-conditioned. Using the best equipment and professionally trained personnel delivers a range of benefits as described below.
Longer Lasting Results
Shorter Treatment Times and Courses
More Comfortable Treatments
Gold Standard Hair Removal for all skin types.
We are regulated and audited by the Healthcare Commission
The Kate Alexander laser clinic is able to offer flexible opening hours to enable laser treatments to be administered at times to suit you. We can also offer Free Consultations to discuss the laser treatments you may need for your particular problem. Laser Treatments are available for both men and women.
The Kate Alexander clinic specialises in delivering safe, high quality treatments utilising the very best technology available.
Because we endeavour to provide the highest possible levels of service we feel that this can only be achieved by actually seeing a potential patient before advising on treatments or quoting prices or timescales.
Every individual's skin is different so whilst a certain person may only require one treatment, the same problem in another person could require more than one treatment.
Our consultations are free and we are happy to advise on appropriate treatments after seeing the particular problems you would like to deal with.
In addition to the application of our own extremely high standards we are regulated and audited by the Healthcare Commission
Removal of Unwanted Hair
How does a laser or light-based system remove hair?
The system emits a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin, to the hair follicle, where it is absorbed. Upon absorption, the energy is transformed into heat, which can disable the follicle, while leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed.
Is the treatment painful?
Most individuals describe the treatment as a series of slight pin pricks or rubber band snaps to the skin. The majority of patients tolerate this sensation without anesthetics. Additional comfort is provided by applying cooling to the area to be treated. Within about 30 minutes of treatment, the area may become pink or red; this may last from a few hours to one day.
How long does it take?
With this procedure numerous hairs are removed at the same time. The amount of time needed depends on the size of the area to be treated. The lip usually takes less than one minute; other areas, such as the leg, may take significantly longer.
How many treatments will be necessary?
Hair grows in cycles. The laser or pulsed light only affects hair when it is in its early growth phase. In fact, the system will disable follicles that are actively producing hair at the time of treatment. At any time, some hair follicles are dormant. Repeated sessions will be necessary to treat these follicles when they re-enter the growth phase.
Call today to arrange a free consultation on 01926 452585.
All content Copyright © 2006 Kate Alexander
