Ivory Taylor Hair and Beauty
Ivory Taylor Hair and Beauty
Unit 3
Highwoods Square
Phone: 01206 851 770
The most essential fact to check is that the clinic is registered with the Care Quality Commission, and can show you a registration certificate. The Care Quality Commission regulates medical establishments and all providers of any type of Laser/IPL treatment. Any clinic practising without registration is an illegal establishment.
At this time, there are approximately 500 registered providers in the UK, with an estimated 5000 Laser/IPL systems sold. Care Quality Commission registration will ensure that the clinic meets strict codes and standards of practice. The Care Quality Commission lists all registered clinics on their web site, and so you could visit www.cqc.org.uk to confirm that your chosen clinic is registered.
It is essential that your IPL/laser operator can show evidence of Laser training within the last 12 months, as all operators are required to have yearly update training. The longer a clinic or operator has been practising the better, and so ask them how long they personally and the clinic has had the system in place. Most operators are trained by the system manufacturer, but there is also a BTEC qualification in Laser treatments offered in the UK
A New Way to Treat Using Light
Light plays a critical role in the well being and lifestyle of all living creatures, so it is not surprising that since the early ages we have learned how to manipulate light to enhance our quality of life. The development of light technology has now led to the precise application of light to help the body to heal itself and improve our appearance. Since the development of lasers in the 1960's photo-therapy has been available to selectively treat specific skin problems. In recent years the Lumina® IPL and laser system has been successfully used for the treatment of a variety of conditions, with very good results in the following areas:
-Removal of red veins, including Rosacea, Spider Naevi, Port Wine Stain and leg veins
-Removal of pigmented lesions, including sun spots and age/liver spots
-Permanent hair reduction
-Skin Rejuvenation
-Control of active acne
Long term removal of hair
The Lumina system uses light to destroy the hair root to stop re-growth for as long as possible. The removal of hair depends on the absorption of the light by melanin in the hair, so it is essential that the hair is darker than the skin for preferential absorption of the light by the hair (not the skin). The Lumina system filters the light to a wavelength that raises the temperature of the hair follicle high enough to destroy the follicle whilst the skin remains unharmed.
Copyright Ivory Taylor Hair And Beauty 2010.
